download the letter of Invitation

Organized by Pro Silva Slovakia Team (2024): Michal Tomcík, Michal Vanco


Meeting Place Venue

The Annual Meeting had its homebase in Hotel Štefánik, Nám. M. R. Štefánika 37, 907 01 Myjava.

35th Anniversary

In 2024 Pro Silva celebrates its 35th anniversary. Both Annual General Meeting 2024 with detailed reporting and General Assembly (each 3 years perdiod) with election of president and board members were held. - Tomáš Vrška from Pro Silva Bohemica was elected new president, Stephan Hatt from Switzerland is new treasurer and Michal Vanco from Slovakia will act as secretary. As new extended board member Liam Byrn from Ireland was appointed. Eckart Senitza will continue as vice president to support the team.

Pro Silva Annual Meeting 2024

28th -31st May 2024 Myjava (Slovakia)

“Upscaling close to nature forest practices for wider application”

Pro Silva group in Slovakia 2024
Pro Silva Meeting in Myjava

The International Annual Meeting of PRO SILVA took place on 28 - 31 May 2024 in Myjava, Western Slovakia (programme). On the occasion of 35 years of promoting nature-friendly forest management in accordance with PRO SILVA principles in Europe, 55 representatives of 22 full members, associate members and partner organisations met there. The main item on the agenda of the annual meeting was the election of the new PRO SILVA Executive Committee, including the PRO SILVA President. Eckart Senitza ended his long term as President. The new PRO SILVA President was unanimously elected by the delegates, Tomáš Vrška, who also chairs the newly formed 6-member Executive Committee, which will be supported by an expanded committee. The aim of the new committee is to continue the existing work and to focus on the application of practical experience in forest conversion supported by the management examples of more than 6,000 members of the movement not only in Europe. Good practice of PRO SILVA principles can now be observed on 120 demonstration sites of different habitat and stand types across European biomes.

The organisation was done excellently by PRO SILVA Slovakia members who planned 2 days of excursions to the municipal forests of Stará Myjava and the standing forests in the Duchonka district. (Text: Jan Kozel, 02.06.2024)

Presentations at Annual Board Meeting

Here You can download presentations at AGM 2024:

Press Release

At the occasion of the 35th anniversary meeting Pro Silva published an press release:

here you can download Press Release 2024
meeting principles

The meeting principles were

  • Balance between all aspects of contemporary, close-to-nature forestry in Slovakia
  • Intensive and focused technical discussions
  • Short distances between the different excursion sites
  • Concerted presentations of forest stands and issues
  • Getting in touch with the culture, country and people of Slovakia
  • Adequate spare time for active exchanges

Here you find the draft programm

here you can download the Draft Programme go back to Annual Meeting 2023
Integrated forest management for resilience and sustainability across 25 countries


