
Pro Silva Polonia

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Maciej Pach, PhD., DSc.

Department of Forest Ecology and Silviculture
Faculty of Forestry
University of Agriculture in Krakow
al. 29-Listopada 46 31-425

Kraków - POLAND
Tel: +48 12 6625371; Fax: +48 12 4119715

e-mail: rlpach(at)

Committee Members

Dorota Dobrowolska

Forest Research Institute
Braci Lesnej 305-090 Raszyn,

e-mail: d.dobrowolska(at)

Daniel Lemke

Regional Manager of forest district Bytów

ul. Szarych Szeregów 7
77-100 Bytów

e-mail: daniel.lemke(at)
private: daniellemke70(at)

Janusz Szmyt

Departament of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry
Poznan University of Life Sciences
Ul. Wojska Polskiego 71a

e-mail: janusz.szmyt(at)

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Pro Silva Polonia

Pro Silva Polonia was founded 2021

The official name: PRO SILVA POLONIA

Present status: Participant of Commission for International Exchange – Polish Forestry Society (The biggest forestry related polish NGO)

Further status: Independent Commision of Polish Forestry Society (Under agreement with President of Polish Forestry Society – Mr. Janusz Dawidziuk)

Number of members: 5

Board of Pro Silva Polonia:

  • Daniel Lemke – Chairman – District Manager at Polish Forestry Servce (Govermental Enterprise managing polish state forests)
  • Dorota Dobrowolska – professor of forest science at Forest Research Institute
  • Janusz Szmyt – professor of forest science at Forestry Faculty in Poznan University
  • Maciej Pach- professor of forest science at Forestry Faculty in Krakow University
  • Leszek Bialobok – scientist at  Forestry Faculty in Warsaw Agricultural University

Plan for year 2022:

  1. Votes for chairman and other functions of board
  2. Translate to polish Pro Silva Priciples
  3. Start up – first Pro Silva meeting – for any people in polish forestry involved and interested in topic of close to nature forestry
  4. Looking for support from state forestry authorities, fund rising and developing amount of members

Fotos by (c) Janusz Szmyt, Daniel Lemke (3)

foto gallery (c) by Eckart Senitza from the integrate meeting in Torun (2019)

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